Brave Search Severs Ties With Bing, Becomes Decoupled


Brave Search Severs Ties With Bing, Becomes Decoupled


By using only its own index, Brave Search becomes completely decoupled from any other search engine, improving both user anonymity and the openness of search results.

By maintaining its own index, Brave Search is no longer dependent on major competitors like Bing.

With an average of 22 million inquiries each day, Brave Search's index has grown significantly, and the company is working on releasing its own API soon.

Brave Search is dedicated to protecting your privacy and is 100% transparent.

The search engine branch of the privacy-focused Brave browser has announced a major upgrade.

An incredible feat in the history of search, it is currently completely autonomous from any competing search engines.

An Overview of the Bold Search

In 2021, Brave Search acquired Tailcat's search engine and development staff and so began its path to independence.

Brave's journey to build its own search engine culminated in the release of Brave Search Beta in June 2021.

The new search engine was released to provide a more private and open alternative to industry leaders like Google.

The Brave team has added many new capabilities to their search engine since it was first released.

These features include Discussions, which incorporates human-to-human dialogue into search results, Brave Search Goggles, which allows for individualized search results, and Brave Search Summarizer, which provides artificially-generated summaries of search results.

Here we are, years later, at a turning point for Brave Search. The search engine now exclusively uses own index.

Brave has severed all ties to the Bing API, further solidifying its autonomy after approximately 7% of searches were previously sourced from Bing Search.

To a large extent, this success can be attributed to the Web Discovery Project. The initiative has contributed to the expansion of Brave Search's index by facilitating the anonymous submission of browsing data from users.

Brave Search's fast growing user base is reflected in the 22 million searches it processes every day.

As to Why Freedom Is Crucial

The rising costs and unknowns of using Bing's API were major factors in Brave's decision to seek autonomy.

However, the benefits go far beyond mere financial ones.

Since it operates autonomously, Brave has full authority over its search engine and uses its own index to generate search results.

Future ideas include releasing the Brave Search API for use by third-party developers and businesses. There has been no word yet on pricing or whether or not a free version would be offered.

Brave plans to continue offering its own search engine as the primary search function on its browser, and for no cost to users.

Both an ad-supported and ad-free version of the search engine are currently in development.


To sum up, the fact that Brave Search uses its own index instead of that of the major search engine providers is a very huge matter.

Brave Search stands out because, unlike most of its competitors, the firm behind it gives consumers agency and is transparent about its inner workings.

As Brave develops additional features, it may revolutionize the way we browse the web in search of knowledge.

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